Pino Puglisi

Father Giuseppe Puglisi

Guiseppe Puglisi
Religion Roman Catholicism
Other name(s) Pino Puglisi
Nationality Italian
Born September 15, 1937(1937-09-15)
Brancaccio, Palermo, Italy
Died September 15, 1993(1993-09-15) (aged 56)
Brancaccio, Palermo, Italy
Resting place Cemetery of Sant’Orsola

Giuseppe 'Pino' Puglisi (September 15, 1937 – September 15, 1993) was a Roman Catholic priest in the rough Palermo neighbourhood of Brancaccio. He openly challenged the Mafia who controlled the neighbourhood, and was killed by them on his 56th birthday. His life story has been retold in a book, Don Puglisi: Vita del prete palermitano ucciso dalla mafia (2001), and portrayed in a film, In the Sunlight (2005).


Ordained as priest

Puglisi was born in Brancaccio, a working class neighbourhood, into a family of modest means. His father was a shoemaker and his mother a dressmaker. He entered the seminary at age sixteen. Following ordination, he worked in various parishes, including a country parish afflicted by a bloody vendetta.[1]

Puglisi was ordained as a priest in 1960 by Cardinal Ernesto Ruffini from Palermo. Ruffini regarded Communism as a greater threat than the Mafia. He once questioned the Mafia's very existence. To a journalist's question of "What is the Mafia?" he responded: "So far as I know, it could be a brand of detergent."[2] This denial persuaded Puglisi of the need to challenge church authorities. "We can, we must criticize the church when we feel it doesn't respond to our expectations, because it's absolutely right to seek to improve it," he said. With his trademark humour, Puglisi added: "But we should always criticize it like a mother, never a mother-in-law!"[2]

Antimafia priest

In 1990, Puglisi returned to his old quarter Brancaccio and became the priest of San Gaetano's Parish. He spoke out against the Mafia who controlled the area and opened a shelter for underprivileged children. Puglisi had been offered other parishes by the local curia, in less troublesome Palermo neighborhoods, but he opted for San Gaetano.[3]

With little support from the Palermo archdiocese, Puglisi tried to change his parishioners' mentality, which was conditioned by fear, passivity and omerta – imposed silence. In his sermons, he pleaded to give leads to authorities about the Mafia's illicit activities in Brancaccio, even if they could not actually name names.[3] He refused their monies when offered for the traditional feast day celebrations, and would not allow the Mafia "men of honour" to march at the head of religious processions.[1]

He tried to discourage the children from dropping out of school, robbing, drug dealing and selling contraband cigarettes. He ignored a series of warnings and declined to award a contract to a construction firm which had been "indicated" to him by the Mafia for the restoration of the church, whose roof was collapsing.[4] Those parishioners that made attempts to reform matters were sent strong messages. A small group who organized for social improvement found the doors of their houses torched, their phones receiving threats, and their families put on notice that worse things lay in store.[1]


On September 15, 1993—Puglisi's 56th birthday—he was killed in front of his parish church by a single bullet shot at point-blank range. He was taken unconscious to a local hospital, where surgeons could not revive him.[5] The murder was ordered by the local Mafia bosses, the brothers Filippo and Giuseppe Graviano.[6] One of the hitmen who killed Puglisi, Salvatore Grigoli, later confessed and revealed the priest’s last words as his killers approached: "I've been expecting you."[2]

Puglisi's murder shocked Italy. There was an immediate call by eight priests in Palermo for the pope to travel to Palermo to be present at his funeral. Pope John Paul II, however, was scheduled to be in Tuscany on that date and did not attend the memorial service. At the funeral Mass the archbishop of Palermo, Cardinal Salvatore Pappalardo, carefully avoided indicating the Mafia as the suspects in Puglisi's murder, although many had no doubt about Cosa Nostra's involvement.[3]

On April 14, 1998, the Mafiosi Gaspare Spatuzza, Nino Mangano, Cosimo Lo Nigro and Luigi Giacalone received life sentences for the killing of Puglisi. The Graviano brothers also received life sentences for ordering the killing.[7]


During his visit to Sicily in November 1994, Pope John Paul II praised Puglisi as a "courageous exponent of the Gospel."[4] He urged Sicilians not to allow the priest’s death to have been in vain and warned that silence and passivity about the Mafia was tantamount to complicity.[4]

Puglisi's favorite rhetorical question—"And what if somebody did something?"—is scrawled on walls in Brancaccio. In 1999, the Cardinal of Palermo started his beatification process, proclaiming Puglisi a Servant of God.[2]

To underscore this anti-Mafia conviction, he composed a parody of the Our Father in the Sicilian dialect:

"O godfather to me and my family, You are a man of honor and worth. Your name must be respected. Everyone must obey you. Everyone must do what you say for this is the law of those who do not wish to die. You give us bread, work; who wrongs you, pays. Do not pardon; it is an infamy. Those who speak are spies. I put my trust in you, godfather. Free me from the police and the law."[1]

Biography and Film

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Murder in Palermo: who killed Father Puglisi?, Commonweal, October 11, 2002
  2. ^ a b c d Memory of anti-Mafia priest pervades summit, National Catholic Reporter, September 13, 2002
  3. ^ a b c Anti-Mafia priest's death raises questions, National Catholic Reporter, October 8, 1993
  4. ^ a b c Jamieson, The Antimafia, pp. 140-42
  5. ^ Anti-Mafia Priest Slain In Palermo, The New York Times, September 17, 1993
  6. ^ (Italian) Ecco i killer di Don Puglisi, La Repubblica, June 23, 1994
  7. ^ (Italian) Omicidio Puglisi ergastolo ai Graviano, La Repubblica, February 20, 2001
  8. ^ Film Highlights Slain Priest Who Stood Up to the Mafia, Zenit, January 21, 2005

External links